A sleep training program to get your baby sleeping through the night

Little ones sleep program. A review and our experience.

Sleep training has never been my thing. I’m such a snuggler. I love having my baby close, we have co-slept since the day he was born. I just don’t like hearing my baby cry.

From the day Maverick was born, the only way I could get rest was with him on my chest sleeping. I had 30 hours of labor, we were exhausted and running on adrenaline from the day he was born. Once your baby is born you are on such a high, you can’t stop staring at their perfect face.

A sleep training program to get your baby sleeping through the night

Once he was born, getting sleep was near impossible. I didn’t want to take my eyes off of him. He also had some retained amniotic fluid in his nasal passages, so the respiratory therapist in me felt 100% better having him on my chest where I can feel his chest rise & fall.

In the beginning we had no intention of putting him in his own room. Once he hit about 6 months, we tried him in his own bed. We honestly had no idea what we were doing, we tried putting him down in the crib with his sound machine, lights off, and we would tell him goodnight.

A sleep training program to get your baby sleeping through the night

We would go in his room to check in on him in 5 minute intervals. By about 10 minutes it became hard. He would cry and get himself so worked up that he would start coughing and be unable to catch his breath. Of course he was fine, but my little mama heart could not handle it.

Fast forward in time and we are now expecting baby number 2, and I am really ready to get this kid in his own bed. I am just thinking ahead in time and I know how often newborns have to be fed and have their diapers changed. I can only imagine the chaos it will bring if Mav is still in my bed.

Our experience with little ones sleep training program

Little Ones Sleep Program

We came across Little Ones Sleep, it is a world class online sleep training program for babies and toddlers. This website has about 5 different programs to choose from depending on your babies age. Besides sleep programs, they also have nutrition programs as well!

What was promising about this program, is that it is recommended by a sleep neurologist! Their program is also backed by a 30 day guarantee! They also provide awesome support through their “support village”.

Once the program was purchased. I downloaded an app that gives me all the information and videos that I need at my fingertips. There are different sections to the app, all which provide valuable information on topics such as how to set up your sleep environment, bedtime routines`, sickness, detailed schedules and so much more. 

Each section is a short 2-3 minute read. Many of the sections also have videos attached. 

When it comes to all the methods the app offers we chose the parent presence method. Before starting a program, when we tried putting him in his own room we would just sit and sing to him and rub his back or his hair. 

This parent presence method lined up with what we felt comfortable with. This method is made up of several phases made up of 4 stages. We have had great success with this method so far! 

Some other methods provided in the app are fed to sleep, rocked or held to sleep, co-sleeping method, quick method, voice to soothe method, rouse to sleep, and  transitioning from cot to bed method.

Another great thing about this app is it gives tips on how to get rid of the pacifier, how toilet training affects sleep, night waking, early morning waking, daylight savings, and information for your child’s care takers.

So far we have had great success with this app. With another child on the way we are so excited to use these methods for baby number 2, and hopefully start a lot earlier with the sleep training the second time around!

Did you sleep train your babies!? What methods and techniques did you find useful?
