A weeks worth of 15 min HIIT workouts- Calendar included

A week of 15 minute HIIT workouts

*Please exercise at your own risk, and if you are newly postpartum check with your doctor before starting any exercise program!*

The best way for me to stay committed to my goals and exercise is by having a plan! I have created a week of workouts to jumpstart your fitness goals. These workouts are quick high intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts. They are created for moms or anyone with limited amounts of time, or anyone who wants to burn the most amount of calories in the least amount of time.

This workout calendar consist of 5 days of active exercise days and 2 days of rest. One of those days being an active recovery day. Active recovery can include anything from a family beach walk, bike ride, causal walk/run, get creative! Pre baby days I would stress out and feel like I neeeeeded to workout every single day, but now I just do quick workouts when I can. Rest days do not have to be on the weekend, if you can’t workout on a Wednesday make Wednesday your rest day and pick up the workout on the next day.

Most of these workouts are bodyweight workouts but a couple require resistance bands and dumbbells. I bought this pack of resistance bands on amazon they have multiple resistance and they are a cute pink color! I recommend purchasing this pack of light, medium, and heavy dumbbells because you will need different sized weights.

Weekly workout calendar. 5 HIIT workouts that are only 15-20 min long!

5 minute mobility warm up/ cool down

Use this as a way to warm up or cool down before completing any of the following exercises. Complete about 10 reps of each exercise just to loosen up and warm up your joints and muscles

  1. Runners lunge with a twist & reach

  2. Scorpions

  3. Walking knee to chest

  4. Walking quad stretch

  5. Inch worms

  6. Toy soldiers

The leggings worn in this video are from Fabletics! It took me forever to sign up with them, and I finally decided to go for it! My first order I got 2 pairs of leggings for $24! It was too good of a deal to pass up. So far I am loving these leggings, they have a good stretch to them they are high waisted and they have 3 different sized pockets on both sides. Highly recommend them! Use this link to take advantage!

15 min Full Body HIIT Bodyweight Workout

30 seconds of each exercise, Rest 30 seconds after you have gone through each exercise. Repeat x3

For this workout you will need a mini resistance band!

  1. Monster walks

  2. Hand release push ups

  3. Forward & back lunges (30 seconds each leg)

  4. Spiderman crunches

  5. Wide squat to narrow squat

  6. Burpee

The leggings in this video were from Fabletics! I joined as a new VIP member and I got 2 pairs of leggings for only $24! So far I am loving my membership. I take advantage of member only sales and I pick the outfits I want. They shipped to me very quickly and if I want to skip a month and not purchase an outfit I can do that as many times as I want!

15 minute full body dumbbell workout

1 minute of each exercise, followed by 1 minute rest after you have gone though each exercise. 2nd set 45 seconds of each exercise, followed by 45 seconds of rest after you have gone through each exercise, then 30 seconds, and lastly 15 seconds.

For this workout you will need a medium pair of dumbbells. For this workout I used 8 pound dumbbells.

  1. Squat and press

  2. Renegade rows

  3. Reach and knee drive

  4. Squat with high pull

The leggings in this video are by 90 degree reflex. They are the high waisted power flex leggings. The color is orchid. I am a fan of these leggings. They are high waisted, which is what I am really into these days. They also have side pockets! They have a nice stretch to them. Also in case you are wondering they are easy to clean. My child had a blowout on my leg…. I thought I spilt sauce on my leg turns out it was poop. buuuuut I wiped it with a water and a paper towel (before I washed them) and it came off really easily so that’s a plus for us mamas! I purchased these off amazon and they were only $24 I couldn’t pass up the deal.

15 minute upper body workout

Complete 10 reps of each exercise, rest 30 seconds after you have gone through each exercise. Repeat circuit 5 times

For this workout you will need a light set of dumbbells. For this workout I used 5 pound dumbbells.

  • 10 knee push ups

  • 10 bent over rows to flies

  • 10 biceps curl full range of motion

  • 10 bicep curls top to ½ way 

  • 10 pulses bottom to  ½ way 

  • 10 frontal shoulder raises to lateral raise to shoulder rotations

  • 10 burpees

If you couldn't tell…someone didn’t want to nap during the filming of this video so this is #reallife what its like to workout with a little wild one!

The leggings in this video were my 2nd pair of leggings that I purchased through Fabletics! I love the design of them. They are made with 3 different types of materials, all very neutral colors which I like! These ones are not high waisted, but they are very comfortable.

15 minute pyramid workout

This workout we are starting at 100 dropping all the way to 10 with a different exercise.

For this workout you will need a medium to heavy pair of dumbbells and a mini resistance band. For this workout I used a pair of 10 pound dumbbells.

  • 100 mountain climbers

  • 90 speed skaters

  • 80 lateral band walks

  • 70 body weight bridges

  • 60 reverse lunges

  • 50 goblet squats

  • 40 bird dogs 

  • 30 lunge jumps 

  • 20 deadlifts

  • 10 jump squats

Leggings in this video are my awesome find from amazon! So cheap! These capri leggings come in a million different colors and they range from about $9-$12!!! I was hesitant but I purchased a couple pairs I got these bright royal blue ones and a pair of neon pink ones. These blue ones were great they have with stand multiple workouts and washes, and they aren’t see through! The bright pink ones were a little on the see through side so I ended up returning those so I can’t say how well all the other colors are, but these are great!

15 minute core workout

1 minute of each exercise, followed by 1 minute rest after you have gone though each exercise. 2nd set 45 seconds of each exercise, followed by 45 seconds of rest after you have gone through each exercise, then 30 seconds, and lastly 15 seconds.

  1. Bird dog

  2. Plank rotations

  3. V- up crunches

  4. Prisoner squats

  5. Burpees

The leggings in this video are theeee most comfortable but also the most $$$. These ones are beyond yoga and they are so buttery soft. They are high waisted too which is a major score for me. These retail for 80ish dollars, but I found these at Nordstrom rack on sale during their clear the rack event so they were a sale on sale!

*Disclosure: This post contains amazon affiliate links – that means I will make a very small commission if you happen to make a purchase through one of my links; this helps me keep my site up and running so I can continue to provide you with free workouts, recipes, and resources. There are no additional cost to you!*