First baby vs second baby symptoms & 4d ultrasound gender reveal

Are you the type of person who has to find out the gender of your baby or do you keep it a surprise?

Everyone i’ve talked to who has waited to find out until delivery the gender of their baby says it’s the best surprise ever, but me personally I can’t wait. I am too much of an OCD planner!

We planned to do a 4D ultrasound prior to the anatomy ultrasound because we just can’t wait.

My gender reveal experience and symptoms of first pregnancy vs second!

We scheduled an appointment at Blossom Baby in Oceanside, CA. Scheduling an appointment was very quick and easy!

Now prior to this I asked my audience on Instagram what their symptoms were first baby versus second baby and what the gender was.

I was hoping to have some type of consistency of symptoms for each gender, or something that would give me a better insight into what I was having, but still I had no idea!

This pregnancy versus my first pregnancy has been different. Maybe it’s because I now know what to expect.

With Maverick my first, I felt great! Yes I was tired my first trimester, but I was still able to workout, I never got sick, everything was pretty much rainbows and butterflies!

This time around my first trimester was so rough. I was so nauseous my first trimester, so tired, I had the worst anxiety, I had no appetite, I even scored my first ambulance ride to the emergency room for fainting.

All of these symptoms were nothing I experienced with my first. Once my second trimester hit, all these negative symptoms disappeared and this mama got her energy back.

Its crazy how these tiny humans really suck the life out of you. Since it was so different in the beginning I was so anxious to find out what we were having!

First baby versus second baby pregnancy symptoms

Babies heart rate

When it comes to old wives tales. With Maverick his heart rate was 170 and with this baby the heart rate was 150. Apparently greater than 150 is supposed to be a girl?

Food Cravings

With Maverick I craved salty foods. I wanted greek food all the time! I also wanted to eat a lot of burger, fries, and pizza. Total teenage boy diet! With this baby I haven’t really craved much of anything, at least not yet. Maybe i’m just too pre occupied with a toddler!

Morning sickness

Like I said with Maverick it was rainbows and butterflies. I had no sickness! With this baby I had a lot of nausea and I think I vomitted like 3 times! A little tip for nausea though, taking vitamin b6 works wonders, as well as preggie pops! Once 2nd trimester hit the sickness luckily went away. Lets just hope it doesn’t come back!

With symptoms this pregnancy felt so different, but once 2nd trimester hit I felt like it was just like my first pregnancy!

First pregnancy vs second pregnancy and my ultrasound experience

The Gender reveal experience

At 14 weeks a 4D ultrasound can reveal the gender of your baby. With my first pregnancy I went right at 14 weeks, because I HAD to know! This time around I was debating about waiting until my anatomy ultrasound, which is usually around 20 weeks!

We ended up booking an appointment with Blossom Baby at 15 weeks. We figured it would be easier to tell Maverick he is having a baby brother or sister to start making things more real for him!

Blossom Baby

4D Ultrasound Gender Reveal in Oceanside, CA

Blossom baby is a cute ultrasound place in Oceanside, CA. They offer different packages based on what you want, whether it be a gender reveal or just a look at your baby. They also have an option to host a gender reveal party!

The ultrasound room has a huge projector for everyone to see, as well large leather seating for everyone in your party.

During the ultrasound you can have the tech tell you the gender then and there, or you can have her put it in an envelope.

With our first we had the tech put the gender in an envelope and we had a huge gender reveal party. With this one we just had the tech tell us what the gender was during the ultrasound with just our little family.

They also have sell gender reveal balloons, baseballs, smoke fountains, and footballs. With Maverick we did a baseball and I pitched the ball to my husband and as he hit the ball blue powder exploded everywhere. Such a fun experience!

The big reveal!

Thank you Blossom Baby for this awesome experience! We are happy to announce that we are having another boy!! So excited to have a built in best friend for Maverick, who can hopefully keep up with this wild one!

Maverick has his mind set on that fact that he is having a sister. Not even sure that he knows what a sister even is!

The Big Reveal! BOY MAMA

Are you a mama of two boys!? Comment & Tell me the good, the bad, the ugly!