6 Ways to start feeling energized and take control of your health

This past year I have been on my wellness journey! Having kids really requires you to learn new habits and routines to help sustain a healthy lifestyle. After having my kids I have been working on getting back in shape and finding a routine that works for me. I am going to share 6 ways to help you start feeling energized so you can take control of your health. The great thing about your wellness journey is the path is nonlinear and there is no time frame for completion, so give some of these habits a try and see what works for you!


6 ways to start feeling energized and take control of your health

Why do we need to drink a lot of water? Water does more than hydrating us, it helps our bodies function properly. Our bodies are made of mostly water. Water can help us regulate our body temperature. When we exercise and sweat we lose water. After and during workouts it is important to hydrate to replace the fluids we lost during physical activity. 

  1. Drink at least ½ your body weight in ounces! If you are finding it hard to consume that much water be sure to incorporate a variety of fruits and veggies with a high water content such as watermelon, cucumber, celery, and strawberries. 

  2. Drink a glass of water before each meal. Drinking a glass of water before each meal can help with over indulging.

  3. What can you do if you don't like the taste of water? Add some lemon or fresh fruit ice cubes into your water if you need a little flavor. 

  4. Find a cute refillable jug to bring with you to keep you on track. This cup is my favorite 

Move your body

6 ways to start feeling energized and take control of your health

A body in motion stays in motion. Sometimes the hardest part is just getting started! Pre planning workouts or movements such as walks, yoga, pilates, etc can be a first step in making this a part of your daily routine. There are many benefits to having a pre planned workout. Many of us thrive on structure. Having a plan can keep you motivated, it can also help you track your progress. If you are working out with the intention of getting stronger it is important to track your progress to ensure you are progressing. Working with a trainer might be the easiest way to do this, but if this is not within your budget I have some free ways to workout below. 

  1. Find a couple fitness influencers online to follow their workouts. Search hashtags on instagram to find workouts such as #fullbodyworkout.  Keep a journal and make sure to document how much weight you are using with certain exercises so you can progress. A journal I like is this one. 

  2. Find my free workouts here 

  3. Pinterest is another great search engine to find links to different fitness blogs. Search in home workouts or gym workouts, whatever you are looking for and you can find many websites and blogs with different workouts.

  4. Join a local gym and pre register for classes if that’s an option. Many studios and gyms offer free passes to try it out. Hop around and see what you like! 

  5. Change it up! Beach run one day, weight lift the next, yoga on Friday. Whatever keeps you happy! 

Plan your meals for the week

6 ways to start feeling energized and take control of your health

I find that when I pre plan my meals for the week it makes it a lot easier to stay on track. Aside from staying on track it prevents me from eating out. I do most of my cooking at home. When you go out to restaurants we don't know the quality of ingredients or the types of oils they use to cook foods. I try to eat mostly organic and stay away from processed oils, which causes inflammation in the body. Here are some tips to help you plan your meals for the week. 

  1. Again Pinterest is my friend! I find a lot of good recipes here. 

  2. Food bloggers on IG are great as well! Use the IG search function and search for example “healthy dinner ideas”

  3. Create a set menu, I like using these 

Try to have a wide variety of colors with each meal

6 ways to start feeling energized and take control of your health

A study showed that individuals who ate a wide variety of fruits and vegetables for 13 consecutive days had increased curiosity, happiness, creativity, and the ability to perform a cognitive task. Try to incorporate 1-2 colors with each meal. Start slow and try to increase your consumption. 

Colorful foods provide us with disease fighting antioxidants. Something that helped me eat a variety of fruits and vegetables was having a CSA delivery service. Check out your local farmers markets and see what the farmers have to offer. Eating in season is a great way to experiment with new fruits and veggies as well. 

If you like carrots for example try to switch it up and try some purple carrots. I personally like bell peppers so I try to switch it up and incorporate a mixture of each color. If you like raw veggies, try changing it to steamed, roasted, or grilled. Each method offers different flavor profiles and textures. 

Find an accountability buddy

6 ways to start feeling energized and take control of your health

Find someone to hold you accountable or announce and post your journey on social media. This person can join you for workouts, be your hype girl, be the person you share everything 

health and fitness related. Sometimes having friends who are like minded and share the same interest as you helps keep you on track!

Focus on creating healthy habits. Start small and build up from there. Quick little 15 minute workouts is a great way to start.

Plan a specific time and place to workout. Block this out in your calendar. For example, a 7 am garage workout. 


6 ways to start feeling energized and take control of your health

Sleep, sleep, sleep is the last thing and the most important thing. The brain is known as our second gut because it digests and breaks down information when we sleep. When we sleep our bodies & brain detoxes, flushing out toxins. In order for these toxins to get flushed our bodies must achieve restorative sleep cycles. Without adequate sleep we accumulate these toxins which can lead to increased risk of neurodegenerative disorders such as alzheimers. 

When we sleep our tissues repair themselves, we have muscle growth, and protein synthesis. Have you ever had a poor night's sleep? You may have noticed how sluggish you felt, you probably craved carbs, had some brain fog, and consumed multiple cups of coffee that didn't do any good.  

Sleep gives us energy! It can help us with our decision making, it can strengthen our immune system, heighten our focus and creativity, increase our mood, and our sex drive! Most of us need 8 hours of sleep. Developing a bedtime routine can help you get a more restful night sleep. Here are some things that may help!

  1. No phone or electronics a couple hours before bed

  2. Diffuse some lavender oil 

  3. These night time Mary Ruth multiminerals are my favorite! I take 2 tablespoons and I sleep like a baby! Use code SARAHBOCKSTAHLER for 10% off

  4. Limit/cut out caffeine in the afternoon

  5. Make sure your room is cool, comfy, & dark! 

I encourage you to get started on your wellness journey and play around with these 6 habits and see what works best for you! Start slow and try to tackle one habit at a time. It's a journey, there is no end point and it isn't linear. You will have your slip ups and your ups and downs, that is ok! Just get right back up and remember that person who you want to be!