A Workout Guide For Women That Will Help You Stay On Track And Get You Toned For The New Year!

Has it been your New Years goal to get in shape this year!? I see it every year, everyone always wants to better themselves in the new year.

Sometimes it is hard when you don’t have a concrete plan or anyone to hold you accountable.

I have teamed up with my fellow fitness obsessed colleague to create a fitness guide that will hold you accountable and push you each week as you work on creating new healthy habits.

This guide is a 9 week program that progresses from body weighted workouts, to resistance banded workouts, and then to weighted workouts. Minimal equipment is needed and each workout can be done in the comfort of your home!

As a mom I know how important that is! Since I am currently pregnant the exercises in this guide are all pregnancy safe, but of course check with your doctor before beginning any fitness program. This guide is not just geared towards pregnant women, I promise you will get a good sweat if you are not pregnant as well!

Fitness guide for Women. 9 weeks of Workouts videos included!

The best thing about this guide is that all of the warm ups, cool downs, and workouts have a video linked so you can watch before performing the workout. We let you know how many reps and sets to do of each exercise as well! If you need modifications for an exercise we demonstrate a modified version and you can also reach out to us in our facebook group with any questions!

Minimal equipment is needed. All you will need is a set of mini bands, a set of resistance bands, a light and heavy set of dumbbells, and for some exercises you will need a workout bench. You can also use a stability ball instead of a bench, or get creative and use a chair or your couch for support!

Meet your trainers! The mamas behind the Just Move Mama 9 week workout guide!

As seen in our about me page, we both have an extensive history with exercise. We were college buddies and we majored in the same field. We worked together at our local gym doing personal training, boot camps, and group exercise classes. We always had this vision of working together on a side project, and we are finally making our dreams a reality.

With each workout guide purchased you get access to our accountability group on facebook.

Aside from the workouts each week we included some of our favorite breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes. We also included a calendar to hold you accountable, so every time you finish a workout you can cross it off your calendar!

Lastly in our guide we have included a special tips and tricks page. On this page we share our tips on nutrition, hydration, activities, and mindfulness! If you join our Facebook group as well you will meet a lot of different women who also share all their tips and tricks everyday.

Just Move Mama Workout Guide for Women that is pregnancy safe!

If you have any questions at all do not hesitate to reach out! Our guide can be found here! Or! It can be found on my main page navigation under workout guide!

Hope to sweat with you soon mama!