Ways to modify your workouts during pregnancy.

Growing a human sucks the life out of you. Whether we like it or not, workouts have to be modified.

Prior to becoming pregnant with Mav I was obsessed with heated yoga. It was so relaxing, and I got the best workout. When you are pregnant hot yoga is advised against.

Besides working out in extreme temperatures, there are some movements you want to avoid. Always consult with a doctor before beginning any workout regime. Of course always listen to your body as well.

Ways to modify your workouts during pregnancy. Tips and exercises!

Gaining extra weight can be very intimidating your first pregnancy, and a lot of women try to off set that by working out. Listen to your body. Over doing it during workouts can reduce blood flow to your uterus.

It is also important to avoid exercises that require you to lie on your back for extended periods of time. As you progress further along in your pregnancy the weight of your uterus can decrease blood flow to your heart, and as a result decrease blood flow to your fetus as well.

While I was pregnant my first time around, I opted for non heated yoga. I was instructed to avoid certain moves in yoga. For one of course avoid any exercises that require you to be lying down on your belly. Poses that required twisting of my mid-section, as well as abdominal crunches were advised against. Twisting and crunching creates increased pressure on your abdominal area. It is best to avoid such movements and protect that baby!

Using an exercise ball is a great way to modify your exercises. In fact you might as well purchase an exercise ball now, you will need it towards the end of your pregnancy when your trying to bounce that baby out!

Glute bridges are a great exercise for all the muscles on your backside, as well as your core. As you get further along in your pregnancy it may be difficult to lie on your back.

Use a stability ball under your shoulders and place your feet flat on the floor and lift your hips up to get the same benefits without lying on the floor.

Stability ball squats are a great exercise for your butt, hips, and legs. Place the ball against the wall and place the ball into the small of your back.

Slowly drop your hips into a squat position, keeping your chest upright. Push up through your heels and repeat. Keep your back against the ball the entire time. The stability ball gives you added support!

Ways to modify workouts during pregnancy, use a stability ball!

Stability balls are great. If you need time off your feet, simply sit on the ball and perform upper body exercises. Such exercises you can do are shoulder presses, biceps curls, triceps extension, frontal shoulder raises, lateral shoulder raises, and chest press just to name a few.

When using weights becomes too much of a challenge, or you just want to change up your routine resistance bands are a great addition.

Resistance bands are very cost effective, portable, and they tend to work smaller muscle groups that you may have a hard time reaching with dumbbells.

For some workout inspiration check out my fitness page that has my collection of exercises, or check out this workout!

Did you workout during your pregnancy!? What was your favorite form of exercise during pregnancy?

Coming this month a fellow trainer friend and I will be launching a fitness guide that is pregnancy safe. A guide that will include workouts, recipes, tips, and more! Follow along on instagram to stay in the loop!