Things you really need for babies 0-3 months

Things you really need for babies 0-3 months

I am almost due with baby number 2 and I am currently in my full blown nesting phase. I am gathering all my baby stuff from Maverick, washing laundry, and just deciding what I really need this second time around.

With my first baby I registered for everything! When it is your first baby, you might as well! Baby showers are a big deal for your first born child. With everything going on and everyone practicing social distancing many baby showers have been cancelled, so I want to share with you my recommendations for what you may need for the first couple months with a new baby!

My complete list of baby products needed for the first 3 months of your babies life!


The Boppy pillow was a must have for me. It is so essential when you are breast feeding. I remember just how uncomfortable breastfeeding can be when you first start. My little 6 pound baby felt super heavy after wanting to comfort nurse for 2 hours. Yes 2 hours. It is a thing! So a boppy can be placed under the baby to support them while they nurse. A must have in my book!

Mom hack: buy cloth diapers and they make great burp cloths

Burp Cloths

You can never have too many burp cloths! Burping your baby after every feeding is very important and of course with every burp there may be a lot or a little spit up. We went through burp clothes like diapers so these are great to have! The best type of burp cloths I liked were actually considered cloth diapers. I liked these because they were more thick and absorbent! Linked below! During my nesting phase with my first I tie dyed a bunch of pieces of fabric and I sewed them onto the center of the burp cloths to make them “cute”.

Baby carriers, A must have for your baby registry

Baby Carrier

Baby carriers are a game changer! Depending on your baby, you may have a baby who never wants to me put down. Baby wearing may be the only way you get things done. Baby wearing is also a great way to help shed those extra pounds. You may find that you use muscles you never knew existed! If you are interested in a baby wearing workout routine check it out here! I loved my Lilliebaby carrier because you can wear the baby in 6 different positions. This carrier can be used for newborns all the way until toddlerhood! If you prefer ring slings I loved the Sakura Bloom ring slings. They have a variety of different colors and fabrics to choose from. They are also a small local company from San Diego, CA.

Car Seat

With Maverick I had 2 different car seats. I had an infant carseat and I had the 4-in-1 convertible carseat. I loved, and still love my convertible carseat. I was not really a fan of the infant seat, but the only reason I have it and will probably still use it is because it can be clicked into my bob stroller. I think it honestly depends on your child as well. Maverick hated the infant car seat and as soon as I changed him to his convertible carseat he loved it! The reason I love the convertible carseat is because it can be used for a newborn all the way until they are a toddler. It is very sturdy and I feel comfortable knowing he is safe in his seat!

Car Mirror

This is definitely a must have! This mirror attaches to the top of your seat and it allows you to see your baby from the front seat. It gives you a peace of mind. You can easily look into your rear view mirror and take a quick peek on your baby to make sure they are ok!

Why you need a carseat cover for your new baby

Car seat cover

A car seat cover was so essential to keep the baby covered and protected when you take them to all their doctor appointments. I feel now more than ever this car seat cover is important to protect your baby whenever you are out and about since our little ones can’t wear mask! These carseat covers also function as a nursing cover. They come in a lot of fun prints too!

A diaper subscription is essential for the first couple months of your babies life!


You can never have enough diapers! You will fly through diapers with a newborn. All new babies do is eat, poop, and sleep! Depending on your preference there are plenty of brands of diapers to choose from. We currently have been using Nest diapers. They are plant based, compostable diapers. They are great for sensitive skin and they are super absorbent! We have these diapers shipped right to our door step every month. Having a diaper subscription is a great gift someone can offer you!


There are so many options when it comes to baby wipes. When you have a fresh little baby you want to use the softest wipes, and the one with the least amount of chemicals. My personal favorite is Water Wipes. They contain 99% water and are super gentle on your babies skin. I feel totally comfortable using these on my babies bum!

Swaddles a must have for newborns. Buy white ones from amazon and tie dye them!


I always had a ton of swaddles with my first. They are perfect during the summer months when its too hot for a blanket because they are super light weight. They are used to wrap your baby in nice and snug so they can sleep soundly. They can also be used as a nursing cover or to cover up your baby in the carseat. During my “nesting time” I purchased these really soft bamboo swaddles off amazon and I tie dyed them. I’ve tried several brands of dye and my favorite one that works best can be found here!

Things you really need for babies 0-3 months

Nose Frida

This may seem gross to some people but it is seriously a life saver where your little sick! The tip is placed inside the babies nose and with the other end you gently suck all the boogers out. Don’t worry there is a filtering between so no need to worry about sucking up boogers in your mouth! I prefer this way more over the bulb suction because you have control over the suction pressure and you can actually see what you are sucking out of your babies nose.


Thermometer is an essential when you have little ones in the house. Rectal temps will be the most accurate but I personally prefer the forehead thermometer. It is the easiest for a wiggy baby and of course the least invasive. It is very dangerous for babies to have high fevers so I always make sure I have a thermometer handy!


Your baby will pretty much live in onesies and blow outs or spit ups will happen frequently so it is important to have a lot of these! You can find cute printed multi packs at target, but if you prefer amazon these white ones are perfect and gender neutral. I actually bought a pack and tie dyed them. Plenty of ways to get creative with them!

Diaper changing pad

So I never bought a changing table with my first. All I used was a changing pad and I pretty much would lie this on the bed or my ottoman and change diapers. My bedrooms were small and I didn’t want to take up any more room with a changing table. You would honestly probably only use it for the first 6 months then you would be dealing with a wiggly baby. Changing pad it cheap and it can be moved anywhere in the house! You can place covers over them so they look cute and match your nursery or decor. You can also leave it without a cover so it can be easily cleaned if an accident were to happen. If you do use it with a cover I recommend using these changing pads on top of the cover so you don’t have to change the pad every time there is an accident!

Every moms must have for the first 3 months

Baby Shusher

This is a baby sound machine and it is one of the top baby products! It worked like a gem with my first son. It is portable so it can be brought along in the car or in the stroller. I figure it will be a great way to get my toddler involved as well. He can bring the shusher to baby brother when he is crying and help mama out when he is being fussy. There are a couple settings on here. A 15 min timer and a 30 minute timer. You can control the volume. It very soundly makes the “shush” sound and babies love it!

Pack & Play

There are so many options when it comes to pack and plays. My husband and I were personally a fan of the 4moms brand. I am not a fan of all the bright crazy colors. These pack and plays have a nice sleek modern look, and they come in neutral colors such as black and grey. What I also liked was how easy it was to set up and take down. There is one button in the center that you push down to set up and pull up to close it. We tried other brands inside the store and they were a pain in the butt to assemble. Our pack and play also came with a bassinet and changing area on top. I kept this downstairs and used it as a changing table and nap area with my first born.

Blooming bath

The blooming bath insert is great for the first couple months! This can be placed inside the sink and the baby can rest comfortably in it and enjoy a bath. It is so much easier than having a small baby tub that you have to lean over and hold the baby in. The material of this is super soft and padded. It can be easily rinsed off after bath time and hung up to dry.

Wash Cloths

Having a super soft wash cloth for bath time is essential. I am obsessed with these bamboo ones I found off of amazon. They are super soft and gentle on the skin! I bought them when my first was a baby then I used them to wash my face once he no longer needed them. They are great all around to have!

The lollipop baby camera is a must have for your new baby

Baby Monitor

A baby monitor is another must have. I prefer the WIFI type of cameras that way I can connect it to my phone and essentially be anywhere in the house and watch my baby. There are so many options when it comes to baby camera. We recently got the Lollipop baby camera and we are a big fan. The quality of the video is so clear. It can also detect when the baby is crying. Another game changer, it can detect when your toddler is trying to escape from the crib! The camera also had 2 way talk which is nice! It comes in 3 stylish colors. The base is silicon and can be bent and wrapped around the crib to secure it.

I ordered this off amazon. After ordering I received a email with a Youtube link on how to quickly set it up. The entire set up process took about 5 minutes. The camera has an app that can be downloaded with it so you can add the app to your phone or iPad which ever you prefer. I tested it out with my toddler and its pretty quick to notify you for “noise alerts”.

The camera can be mounted on the side of your crib. If you have a curious babe and you don’t feel comfortable placing it on the side of the crib, it comes with a wall mount that the camera can be mounted on as well!

Lollipop baby camera, A must have for your baby registry

Do you have any baby products or brands that you absolutely loved using with your baby!?

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